There’s a crackling in the neck of civilization

A false note that makes the jars burst

Strolling lynxes which mess up the curtains

Sizzling candy paper as a substitute toy

Opinions lacking patterns

Belief that sells itself as logic

Shrieking worries about algorithms

Promising allegories trying to enchant

Splashing and gossiping in the jungle

Fiberglass rugs on which we surf and and scrape up

Rip-roaring competition in virtual spaces

Extraction of internal dialogues

Confessions of the unbearability of being

Devotion as a marketing strategy

Great used to be bigger too

asking questions became setting intentions

A manifest of limitation sings its hymn

outlaws are the new kings

you need a camper van for belonging

running barefoot is the new airforce one

yellowed fingers from feeding the nerves

phonological rhymes to whine

no poem but at least letters

delight has no limits



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