That’s the thing with my life cross. Many people hear vessel of love and then react as if it is sweet and tender and beautiful. I would prefer to call it vessel of pain, because it also means experiencing the opposite, going through it, finding harmony and balance in all the cruelty of the world – in all the oceans of hate. To remain innocent in the face of horror. Honouring and loving your body even when it doesn’t function perfectly. It’s about the real and authentic behaviour that wants and is allowed to express itself and in my case leaves all the normal paths. Many years ago, even before Human Design, I was initiated by life. The shock and the depth of this experiences forced me onto a path that became a wisdom. I realised that life is always on my side. It carries me when I allow myself to be weak. I am no longer a warrior or a destroyer, for the adventure has taught me that there is a meaningful beauty in everything, even if the revelation may require a sacrifice. But I know my place and I’m surrendered. Not for nothing am I a martyr who has learned to stand up for the essence of myself rather than the trivial. I embrace life with all that it has to offer and radiate that loving energy – but don’t get the idea that just because I am loving, that means I love you. That is another story.
– Talis
Vessel of Love – or Hate?