Black and white was yesterday. I am more than one and yet I am held in one vessel. As you are. A hollow form filled with all manner of magic. miniature universes and cosmic alchemy. Aura fields penetrate us all the time and many don’t even feel a bug crawl across their hair. Your body is not you but it is your vehicle. How do you handle your vehicle? Do you know what kind of fuel it needs? Is it a sports model or rather a jet ski? We see so little of the obvious. Your heart is beating and your pulse is racing – and you don’t have to do anything for that. Nothing. So much happens by itself. Our brain is delivered masses of impressions and, funny enough, can only hold and view about 4 thoughts at a time. Life rushes past us like a storm of neon colours. Unbelievable. But what do we do? We look for happiness, for miracles. We want enlightenment and choose the spiritual path, which is often nothing more than the scourging of our individuality. And then we tell ourselves that this is important because otherwise we wouldn’t be where we are now. Oh C’mon… You have always been there. You just keep distracting yourself… from yourself. But now that you are reading this you are here. Stay with yourself. Be yourself – just like that. Everything you could lose was never yours anyway.
Black and white was yesterday.