I am excited to share with you the latest art piece I created with the help of Ai and Photoshop – it’s called the “Vessel of Love” – yup I tried to visualise it. So the image represents my incarnation cross, of course only as experienced by me. I tried to give the 4 Gates + the ICX it’s own visual by feeling and trial&error. What do you feel?

So it’s not just a pretty picture – the representation of the Vessel of Love holds a deep and meaningful message. It’s all about love, self-acceptance, and the beauty of being fully alive and present in our bodies. A lot of what Human Design teaches us + what my mission is here on earth.

If you have the 46th gate in your personality sun and you’re on the cross of the vessel of love, like I do, then this message is especially for you. Because, you know, people with this gate are deeply aware of their bodies and the changes and sensations within them – even more when the G center is open! We are also attracted to the physical and sensual dynamics of relationships, because of the 3rd quarter theme, and are dedicated to living life for life’s sake. Dedication is really something I can sense in the 46.

But it’s not just about pleasure and enjoyment – this gate also carries the potential for great good fortune. It’s all about being in the right place at the right time, which for us means fully embracing and loving the bodies we are in. And by loving ourselves and our unique qualities, we also empower others to do the same.

So let’s embrace the love of life and the sensual joys it brings. And as we do, we also open ourselves up to the magic of the abstract process, to the commitment and connections that fulfill us on a deep level.

Let this be a reminder of the beauty and love that exists within us all.



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