At first, the Human Design Experiment seemed to me like a great limitation, almost like a kind of punishment because I was such a naughty ignorant not-self being *laughs*.

But as the years and months passed, it turned around on its own. One feels so so so correct, correct in the body, in life, in this existence. I don’t want to say that life becomes more beautiful or everything becomes more colorful or something like that – I’m not a friend of powdered sugar to make yourself look better. Life still has its ups and downs, its pain and its joy, the unpleasant moments and the moments of ecstasy.

But what I want to say is that I can accept things, I can see it and surrender, I can overcome my fear over and over again (mostly with ease), I can BE and stay alive, I am alive. If you are in the experiment then I want to encourage you to just be patient and see, to realize that you are not being punished! You do not have to repent, not even to yourself. What you lived wasn’t even you. It was the movie of your environment. Boring Blockbuster from the 18th century.

I wann say stay flexible and let yourself fall more and deeper into self-love, that is the living out of your genetic behavior – your true way. Be brave and dare to stand by your self-love, no matter what others say or think about it. Don’t force it though, keep it gentle.

I tell you the devil only knocks when you are on the right path, you know?

Let your being light up the world, because that is what you are doing while you are deconditioning. You bring light into the darkness where no one wants to look, where it is needed most. No matter if you have a 5th line profile or not, no matter if you are deeply individually defined or not, your abnormality will hit hard, will be a wake up call for many. So feel good about it (if you want to give it a feeling), enjoy your movie, you are the main actor buddy….


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