When I think about the open spleen, which I also have, I feel this deep theme of security and I have to think about the time when I had to struggle a lot with fear and panic. Maybe it was a signpost and freed me from the things that were not good for me. I know that it is incredibly important to understand who in your environment, if you have a defined spleen, who in your environment has an open spleen, because these people will probably hold on to your juicy spleen. Through this perception alone you can communicate so much more openly and directly, have real understanding and ultimately free a counterpart from deep illusions. For me it is quite clear: I need a lot of retreat and to be alone, otherwise I quickly fall into holding on even though it does me no good. I see so many open spleen people, especially projectors, who have never been alone in their lives – that is, really alone in their own aura for a long time. The beginning when you do that is really bad and I can remember what it was like for me when I dragged myself out to be alone. This strong pull, a kind of addiction that drives you to go back; this deep discomfort, insecurity and fear…. By now I feel quite early when I have to withdraw, so it doesn’t harm me much anymore and I have learned to love being alone – my definition now gives me the security.

– Talis 2021

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