The first thing a generator, or manifesting generator, must learn to hear is its sacral sounds – yes, there is the exception of the consciously defined 34-20 channel because here one is too busy to make humming noises and goes directly into the expression/action. The idea that one can ask oneself questions only leads astray – because where do the questions come from?

The great art of letting life come to you and being asked random and unexpected verbal questions is what makes the magic for the sacral being. If you have not yet accessed your sacral, then the first essential step for your awakening is to learn or rediscover this. It is your first big challenge. Until then you don’t need any more information or lectures about HDS. Because only when you are aware of, hear and feel your sacral YES (or NO) can you make the correct decisions. Everything else is wasted lifetime.

Can you already hear your sacral?



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