In the middle of the sphere, folded like mastered origami, lies a condensed spark of power. It dances and swings and sings and wrestles…. for air.

Who will set it free, ignite it, bring forth the light that lives in this well? A generalised truth from the outside, a small neutrino from distant stars or something beyond the veil?
The joy of life sometimes hides like an unknown planet behind a too bright star. But those who look closely and use their transcendent awareness will hear it; the whisper of love, forever distant but echoing enough to shatter the world.

What is your being worth when you place it on the scales in the golden palace of Self? Yet worth is only a self-lying truth that drinks from the puddle of others until it recognises its own reflection, isn’t it.

Feeling feelings without drowning in emotions, hearing thoughts without acting and seeing desire without getting lost in it is a high art in life as a human being. And you can do it. You can.

You are the ONE of the whole, the whole for the ONE. Even if you cannot perceive it because you will be forever separated in the illusion, it is the most obvious truth – which everyone knows and forgets immediately.

Like a kiss in the morning that you no longer appreciate in the evening. It is a perfect string playing on the instrument of creation and your existence makes it possible. Whether you believe it or not, life is not interested, because life lives you.

– Talis, 2022
[image created by Talis]

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